With our Online QR code reader you can decode QR codes directly from the browser. The decoding process is done in your own browser window so QR codes are not loaded on the server.
Online QR Code reader Instructions
To read a QR code from the ON Line reader follow these three steps
- Download the QR image on your device if necessary
- Press the button -SELECT QR –
- By selecting the QR the image will be displayed in the frame and the content will be displayed in the reading area
- NOTE: If you are looking for a QR code scanner for your mobile, please visit our QR Code readers section
- The QR code to decode must be a valid QR
- The image must have enough contrast between black and white pixels
- The QR image should not be distorted. In other words, you must keep the square proportion
- The QR must keep the three boxes of position and the small square of alignment
- 5 lectores de códigos QR para tu móvil o tablet
- Sección específica en el blog de lectores QR
- QR code Forum
Online reader requirements
Other resources of interest related to QR code readers